Results for "100"


    • admin


      ...o;t let much sound in.   I then ran a couple youtube frequency sweep test videos.  One for low frequencies from 1Hz to 100Hz. And the second from 100Hz to 20,000Hz.  What I f...

      • admin

        Some Interesting New Tech concerning consumer grade 2.5Gbps networking technology would be worth checking out. This one talks about a 5 port non-managed switch in the $100USD range and this one talks a...

        • admin

          My Dream Machine

          ...are Candadian dollars, so where you’re reading this may be different. 10 years ago, an x86 based machine like this would have been at least $100,000, and you may not have eve...

          • admin

            Future Technology

            Advancements in GPUs and CPUs (AMD and Intel) are driving our technology future at an accelerated pace.  According to Ark Investments, Deep Learning and Automati...