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    • admin

      New Items Added to Member's Section

      By admin
      5 Day Habit Challenge added to member's section.
      • admin

        New Version

        By admin
        We have now added a new Member's Only section.
        • admin

          Coming Soon

          By admin
          Coming soon is a site update with new features
          • admin

            Hard Drive Technology

            By admin
            Seagate and WD working to extend their HDD capabilities.
            • admin

              Canon Video Cameras

              By admin
              I like Canon cameras.  I've had more than a few cameras over the years, and Canons have been the best.  I bought a Canon T5i Rebel a few years ago.  It's such a nice camera I'm afraid to take it out and use it.  I did...
              • admin

                Another New Version

                By admin
                We just finished making some quick changes to the site.  Nothing much you'll notice when working with music, but should still help with the experience.   Maybe you're not quite ready? No problem. You can try it free for two...
                • admin

                  EU Copyright Law

                  By admin
                  The EU recently passed a new copyright law that potentially creates massive problems for private individuals uploading content to the internet.  Copyrighted music in the background of your video can create a copyright violation take down...
                  • admin

                    Welcome to

                    By admin
                    Welcome!!!  This is  We are an innovative music licensing service catering to all needs.  Whether you are a beginning singer or an established video production company, we can help you.  We will use this blog to...

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