Results for "Technology"


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      Hard Drive Performance

      A little bit of a scandal with a couple hard drive manufactures.  Both Seagate and Western Digital Have been shown to be using SMR in some of their drives.  SMR means Shingled Magnetic Recording, and what it does is pack a little more data onto a HDD platter while adding a performa...

      Tags: Technology

      • admin

        Cut Costs, Go To The Cloud: Not

        Back when I was an IT Manager for a major company, I heard many around me screaming that we needed a cloud presence. "Go to the cloud, ditch our expensive data center," was a common mantra. Then my team investigated the costs. What we found has been partially corroborated in this a...

        Tags: Technology

        • admin

          AI/ML is Bringing Changes to the AV World

          There are many different ways AI/ML can be used in the AV industry. Mainly because the uses of AV (Audio/Video) are vast: Online Learning CGI Digital Assistants Text Generation Text Recognition Security Lighting ....and many more AI/ML will invade nearly every aspect...

          Tags: Technology

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            Fibre Optic Speeds Increasing

            This article discusses new, 64Gbps HBA's. That type of speed allows you to copy a 1TB drive in a little over 2 minutes! Normally, you build a system with multiple HBA's, and connect them to large storage systems, so actual real-world speeds can actually be much faster.  Many video...

            Tags: Technology

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              My Dream Machine

              Dream Machine I thought I would create a dream machine post. I am putting this together from the perspective of what I think a video editing workstation needs. My thoughts on requirements for a video editing workstation are the following: Highest thread count possible Best Vid...

              Tags: Technology

              • admin

                Master's Level ML Training for Free

                I want to add AI/ML to the site, so I looked around at what I needed to do, and discovered the OMSCS program from GeorgiaTech. I already have a B.Sc. in Computer Science, so getting the accreditation is not required, but I do want to obtain the equivalent of a Master's level education. Geo...

                Tags: Technology