Results for "site update"


    • admin

      Welcome to

      Welcome!!!  This is  We are an innovative music licensing service catering to all needs.&n...his blog to announce upcoming changes and provide general information about the site a...

      • admin

        Another New Version

        We just finished making some quick changes to the site.  Nothing much you'll notice when working with music, but should still help with the experience.   Maybe you're not quite ready? No problem. You can try it free for two weeks.

        • admin

          Coming Soon

          Coming soon is a site update with new features.  The target audience for is small to mediu...ves.  You won't have to subscribe to the music section of the website to get access to the me...

          • admin

            Website Update

            We have updated the website again.  Some of our changes are behind the scenes, not visible to a regular visitor.  What you can see is mainly with the landing page.  We added a video tutorial, hosted on Youtube, and some sample songs.

            • admin

              New Features Poll

              ...s I want to add to and improvements to make on the site.  There are the ones I t...tant.  Here's a short list in no particular order: Update my landing page Update my sales page Add low quali...

              • admin

                Site Update

                Mostly what we did was an re-fresh to the front page.  We cleaned it up a bit, made it a little less wordy, and added a different color scheme. We also added a...

                • admin

                  Another Site Update

                  We just updated the landing page and Contact page, added a better About US page, and added a new feature where non-logged in people have the ability to listen to previews of our songs. Sign up for access!!.

                  • admin


                    We thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback for the site.  Please click the survey link to fill out the survey. Survey Link here

                    • admin

                      Sound Effects

                      Sound effects are kind of weird in the copyright world. Some sound effects packages are copyrighted, some are not....g post. A really good source for sound effects is The Internet Archive. This site h...

                      • admin

                        Another New Version

                        We have updated the site with some stuff that run's behind the scenes. You probably will not notice what we've done, but it should allow better performance. Sign up for access!!.