We have updated the website again. Some of our changes are behind the scenes, not visible to a regular visitor. What you can see is mainly with the landing page. We added a video tutorial, hosted on Youtube, and some sample songs.
How to Motivate Problem People
Harvard Business Review article discussing ways of motivating your problem people. This is a book I licensed so I could provide it to you
How to Manage Smart People
Short pdf document discusses ways of managing smart people. This is a book I licensed so I could...
We have updated the site with some stuff that run's behind the scenes. You probably will not notice what we've done, but it should allow better performance.
Sign up for access!!.
I just released a new version with a sweet new feature. On the Custom Music tab, you can toggle on or off the Custom pattern feature. This feature allows you to specify a global groove for the song, specify the note pattern for each instrument, and specify the relative note duration f...
We just updated the landing page and Contact page, added a better About US page, and added a new feature where non-logged in people have the ability to listen to previews of our songs.
Sign up for access!!.
We have several updates to the site to announce:
We have a partnership to announce with Pigeon Studios. Follow us as we develop the partnership.
We have updated the pricing scheme. After working with a few small studios who generously donated some of their time, we have adj...
I have a very long list of features I want to add to and improvements to make on the site. There are the ones I think are important and then the ones customers would think are important. Here's a short list in no particular order:
Update my landing page
New site version. We added some major features positioning the site for growth and some even better features.
We added moveable pointers for song editing. You can now edit sections of the song instead of only the entire song. This gets the site ready for Cut&Paste functionalit...
Mostly what we did was an re-fresh to the front page. We cleaned it up a bit, made it a little less wordy, and added a different color scheme.
We also added a feature so that anyone can check out how the song composition feature works. Anyone can request a custom composition a...